First Picture Archive of 2014, albeit very late.

Metroline VW1375 on Route 24, Camden Town, 17/11/12
Route 24 became the first full conversion to NBfL on the 22nd June 2013, attracting a lot of public attention and poor publicity, especially with non-functioning air conditioning. These problems had since been ironed out. The VWs that ran the route have since been dispersed across Metroline to AH, ON and staying at HT.

London General WVL135, Route 11, Trafalgar Square, 15/09/13
Route 11 was the second conversion, occurring on the 21st September 2013. It too had bad publicity having being a staggered conversion and the unfortunate accident of LT62. The initial running problems have too been ironed out, and it is now the only crewed route with NBfLs on Saturdays. The buses have since been dispersed across most of Go-Ahead London.

London United ADH45 on Route 9, Hammersmith, 14/10/13

London United SLE64 on Route 9, Hammersmith, 05/01/13

London United VLE43 on Route 9, Hammersmith, 20/01/13
Route 9 was third, on the 26th October 2013. The conversion went smoother than the other two conversions, and was notably controversial for being the first conversion to not have daily crewed operation, only being crewed Monday-Friday daytime. The running of the 9 has been generally the same as previously. The VLEs have moved to Tolworth for the 57.

Metroline VPL602 on Route 390, St Pancras, 26/08/13
Route 390 being the most recent conversion, was converted on the 7th December 2014, although the buses were already in service on the 24 previously. This makes Metroline the first operator and Holloway the first garage to have two routes with NBfL operation. This and the 24 both have crews only Monday-Friday daytime.
And the next ones?:

London United SP129 on Route 148, Shepherd's Bush, 10/04/13
Route 148 is due to be converted on the 15th February 2014, and Route 8 will be converted on the 28th June 2014. The 148 buses will move to FW for new contracts. The 148 conversion may be even fully OPO. LT150 in a special livery is slated to be in service with London United, probably on the 148 for the 'Year of the Bus' celebrations with TfL.
I'll finish it off with what's to come on the 148:

London United LT135, Shepherd's Bush Garage.