Metroline DA148 not in service (blinded for the E8), Brentford, 19/07/10.
These buses were ordered in 1998 for Route 209, which used to be called 9A. However, these buses were too heavy for Hammersmith Bridge initially so they went on the 49 instead, whilst London United kept the 209 for a bit longer. But when the weight restriction was adjusted, these buses moved to the 209, and new DPs (which were late) moved the the 49. These were then repainted towards the mid 2000s to be red/black - a change from the 0% red previously. This meant they met they met the 80% red rule. These buses (and AH) were bought by Metroline/Comfort Delgro and they soon gained the blue skirt. However, these buses were to be moved anyway, as they were getting old, and were soon made off lease.
The ALX200 body was quite rare in London, most opting for the Plaxton Pointer. Only Stagecoach also had numerous versions of this. The 209 is now run by Alexander-Dennis Enviro200s.
I saw an ALX200 on the E8 a few months ago but my blog hadn't started then! Fab post!